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Can Braces Fix Asymmetrical Face – Unlock Your Perfect Smile

Can Braces Fix Asymmetrical Face

Has a lack of symmetry in your features ever made you glance in the mirror and feel uncomfortable about yourself? Then it’s time you realized that an orthodontic treatment plan might very well assist you in solving your troubles! You may wonder, “Can braces fix asymmetrical face?” and “How troublesome can the treatment be”?

Don’t worry. Braces, brackets, and wires aren’t what they used to be. The discipline of orthodontics has advanced at a breakneck pace, providing a diverse spectrum of therapies capable of correcting facial asymmetry.

This blog post is here to look at how braces and other orthodontic treatments can help you get a perfect facial feature without much hassle. So, let’s get started!

How Would You Describe Facial Asymmetry?

In layman’s words, facial asymmetry occurs when one side of your face does not perfectly match the other, such as one eye being slightly higher or one side of your lips curving more when you smile.

Here’s an interesting fact: no face is precisely symmetrical! Take a photo of your face, split it in half, and then mirror each half to display two completely distinct faces. Medically, face asymmetry is recognized without the use of photographs or mirrors. It’s usually caused by inherited problems or circumstances like aging, tooth loss, or sleeping on one side.

In rare circumstances, rapid alterations in face symmetry may signify a major medical problem, such as a stroke.

Do Braces Fix the Asymmetrical Face?

Braces are absolute game changers for straightening teeth and getting that flawless and dazzling smile. But did you know that their impact extends beyond your dazzling whites? Yes, braces fix the asymmetrical face. Here’s the rundown on how it works:

What Generates an Asymmetrical Face?

There are two kinds of face asymmetry: pathogenic and developmental. It can be caused by heredity or by conditions such as unequal muscles, accidents, infections, missing teeth, and other orthodontic disorders.

When it comes to genetics, hemifacial microsomal (HFM) is one of the most prevalent causes of extreme asymmetry. Fortunately, the gene that causes this illness has recently been uncovered.

What Orthodontic Disorders Contribute to an Asymmetrical Face?

In some cases, an orthodontic issue can cause asymmetry in facial features. They are as follows:-

Orthodontics has evolved to include a variety of treatments and procedures that can address these concerns and assist you in achieving a more balanced and symmetrical face structure. Don’t be afraid to explore your alternatives and talk with an orthodontist to get the best strategy for your specific requirements!

So, if you’ve ever questioned if braces fix the asymmetrical face, the answer is a loud yes! It’s more than just your teeth. It’s about having that beautiful, well-balanced appearance that makes you feel great on the inside and out. Say welcome to a brand-new, perfectly balanced you!

If you are thinking about getting braces to fix your facial asymmetry, schedule a consultation at Brite Orthodontics.

During the consultation, the dental team carefully assesses your dental and facial features to understand your specific needs. You get a chance to talk about your goals and any worries you may have.

Our experts give you helpful information on how braces or other orthodontic treatments could enhance your facial symmetry.

Book Your Appointment With Us Now!


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